Purina Resident Research Awards

About ECVIM-CA and Purina
The European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine – Companion Animals (ECVIM-CA) and the Purina Institute are pleased to announce the continuation of the Purina Institute Resident Research Awards for 2024.
This award program will provide an enriching research experience for ECVIM-CA residents by working with skilled research-scientist mentors for small animal research relevant to ECVIM-CA specialties. The Purina Institute will award €40,000 in Purina Institute Resident Research Awards in 2024.
• The maximum amount awarded per project will be €10,000.
Purina Institute support for veterinary clinical research
Serving as the global voice of Purina’s science and its more than 500 scientists and pet care experts, the Purina Institute aims to connect the most innovative minds in pet health by facilitating knowledge exchange and collaboration with veterinary and scientific thought leaders around the world. The creation of this awards program is yet another step the Purina Institute is taking in support of this goal.
As a champion of nutrition, the Purina Institute will share the company’s latest scientific breakthroughs and will provide objective, fact-based information sourced from the wider scientific community on current trending topics across pet and human nutrition with the goal of putting nutrition at the forefront of pet health discussions. To learn more about the Purina Institute visit www.purinainstitute.com.
Applications 2024
The Award is subject to the Clinical Studies Fund terms and conditions and the Purina Pet Care Ethical Policy (please download these below).
• 50 % or more of the total funds available are to be used for gastrointestinal or nutritional research funding. This must be clearly outlined in the application.
• Co-investigators who are Diplomates of the European College of Veterinary and Comparative Nutrition are encouraged.
• Nestlé Purina will provide any required pet food to successful grantees if so requested.
Key dates for this program are as follows.
• Deadline for receipt of applications: 17:00 GMT on Monday 22nd July 2024
It is anticipated that successful grants will be announced at the ECVIM-CA AGM to be held in September 2024
Guidelines, Policies, Terms and Conditions
Making an Application
• Applications should be sent to the Clinical Studies Fund Secretariat: csf.secretariat@ecvim-ca.com
• Applications are reviewed by the Clinical Studies Fund Committee.
Awards between 2019 - 2023:
The following ECVIM-CA Residents have received awards between 2019 – 2023:
• Chalfon et al. (2020), University of Bologna; Flow cytometry for detection and quantification of nodal metastasis in dogs with treatment-naïve firstly occurring cutaneous mast cell tumour.
• Chan et al. (2019), University of Bristol; Does the contrast agent administered to dogs during CT reduce the likelihood of detecting a urinary tract infection?
• Chen et al. (2019), The Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Determination of the effect of Paricalcitol on attenuating renal hyperparathyroidism and proteinuria in canine chronic kidney disease.
• Corsini et al. (2020), University of Bologna; Total thyroxine and endogenous thyrotropin concentrations in the recovery phase of non-thyroidal illness in dogs.
• Del Baldo et al. (2019), University of Bologna; Accuracy of flash glucose monitoring system in diabetic cats.
• Del Baldo et al. (2020), University of Bologna; Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis recovery following prednisolone therapy in dogs.
• Duclos et al. (2020), University College Dublin; Splenic microRNA expression profiles in dogs with non-associative immune-mediated haemolytic anaemia–A pilot study.
• Faroni et al. (2023), University of Bologna; Machine-learning prediction model for the diagnosis and prognosis of chronic enteropathy in cats.
• Hawkes et al. (2021), The University of Edinburgh; Aspartame for the prevention of chemotherapy induced diarrhoea in dogs: A pilot study.
• Lloyd-Bradley et al. (2023), The University of Edinburgh; Assessing inflammatory markers of gut-specific inflammation in dogs.
• Melis et al. (2023), University of Sydney and Veterinaire Specialisten Vught, The Netherlands; Evaluation of the prevalence of nebulette (NEBL) allele risk variants in the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel population.
• Oliveira et al. (2019), Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies and Roslin Institute; Use of heart rate spot-check protocol to assess 24-hour average heart rate in canine patients with atrial fibrillation.
• Rodrigues et al. (2019), University of Liège; Antibiotic discontinuation in dogs with acute aspiration pneumonia based on normal CRP and clinical improvement.
• Thalmeier et al. (2020), Justus-Liebig-University of Giessen; Assessment of the effect of inflammation on the quality of glycaemic control, insulin sensitivity and β-cell function in diabetic cats.